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廠房散熱通風(fēng)方案:terry pratchett one of the greatest comic n

Robert Johnston is GQ Style Director, as well as our resident Style Shrink. Follow him on Twitter at @realstyleshrink.

Washington (CNN)Elizabeth Warren's push to kill major trade negotiations -- backed up by the AFL-CIO's plans announced Wednesday to cut campaign contributions to its traditional Democrat allies to fight alongside her -- could become major headache for President Barack Obama.

The battle over trade promotion authority, though, would only be the opening salvo in one that could come late in Obama's presidency or early in his successor's first term over the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Trade policies like the "investor-state dispute settlement mechanism" that Warren was lambasting are as complex as it gets -- with the nitty-gritty details unlikely to captivate most lawmakers, let alone voters.


Elizabeth Warren challenges Obama (and Clinton) on trade - CNN.com

Elizabeth Warren challenges Obama (and Clinton) on trade - CNN.com

And to get the Pacific Rim deal done, that's exactly what they'd have to do.


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Clinton on email: 'I opted for convenience' 05:53

The author Terry Pratchett, who died aged 66 after a long and courageous battle against Alzheimer's, may have been one of the best-selling novelists in the English language but he was also one of its most consistently under-rated. Too often dismissed as a fantasy writer, Pratchett was, in fact, one of the greatest comic novelists of all time, in his way the equal of Wodehouse and Waugh.

His greatest invention was Discworld, a canvas on which he explored the nature of logic, fantasy and the human experience. Over the course of 40 novels he went from the light-hearted comedy featuring the hapless wizard Rincewind to the much darker tales of Sam Vines, in whose name Pratchett railed against corruption, greed and injustice, in the process the background moved from being a recognisably Middle Earth-style medievalism to a brooding steam punk setting where trolls and magic co-existed with trains and dodgy bankers. It is extraordinary that apart from a cartoon and a handful of TV specials no one has ever brought Pratchett's world to life. It is the big screen's loss.

Clinton on email: 'I opted for convenience'

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"If they are sure they have fixed this problem, they need to show all the new provisions," she said.

SEE: Top House GOPer wants Clinton emails

Clinton: 'Would've been better' to use official email 02:31

Warren, though, is leading a populist charge against the deal. But she called on "conservatives who believe in American sovereignty" and libertarians to back her position, too.

Robert Johnston

Robert Johnston

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But the broad strokes make for obvious politics. Obama, for example, is requesting "trade promotion authority" -- a power every president since Nixon has had. It would allow him to submit trade deals to Congress for guaranteed votes on a limited timeline, and with no amendments. In a rare show of unity with the White House, Republican congressional leaders favor the measure, acknowledging it's the only way to get other countries to make the concessions necessary to finish negotiations and lock deals in. But populists on both sides say it's a the kind of give-away that Obama hasn't earned.

But the liberal opposition to the deal -- which liberals have dubbed "NAFTA on steroids" -- could pose a big challenge to Clinton's nascent 2016 presidential campaign as she tries to stave off a primary challenge from the left.

Many of them are already there -- for different reasons. More than two dozen Republican lawmakers, as well as right-wing and tea party organizations backing their positions, deeply distrust Obama and are loathe to hand him any additional power.

Clinton embraced the Pacific Rim negotiations during her tenure as Obama's secretary of state, as she led the ballyhooed pivot to Asia -- with the trade deal as its economic underpinning. Though her spokesman didn't respond to questions about her stance on the deal Wednesday, Clinton said the deal could be a boost to U.S. workers and businesses in her memoir last year.

Lawmakers who have clamored for ways to pressure Asia-Pacific countries to stop manipulating their currency or to import more American-made automobiles are all but certain not to get what they want. Liberals will question whether Obama got the best deals possible on labor and the environment. Conservatives will demand more protection for businesses' intellectual property -- and less ability for foreign companies or countries to challenge U.S. rules.

Warren is among the highest-profile critics to emerge in the Senate, though a handful of House Democrats (often led by Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut) have been hammering away at the Trans-Pacific Partnership for years.

來源:Gq 更新時間:2016-03-13 12:01:58 分類:News

The issue pits Warren against her own party's president, and on the same side as populist conservatives. The Massachusetts Democrat took aim at that provision on a conference call hosted by liberal groups on Wednesday, saying it should "raise alarm bells for everyone."

Terry Pratchett: one of the greatest comic novelists of all time - GQ.co.uk

Terry Pratchett: one of the greatest comic novelists of all time - GQ.co.uk

As soon as Warren's conference call started on Wednesday, the Obama White House was pushing back. U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman's office sent out an memo intended to show that the provisions Warren was critiquing wouldn't change anything in terms of domestic laws -- and would actually increase U.S. businesses' protection abroad.

I have read every single Discworld novel more than once - some, like the sublime Lords And Ladies, at least seven times. I am ashamed to admit that I sometimes felt slightly uncomfortable to be seen reading them on the Tube - worrying that strangers would think of me as some terrible nerd - but that is my problem, not Pratchett's, and his brilliance will live long after my embarrassment. The fact that I will never enjoy a new trip to the city of Ankh-Morpork or the mountains of Lancre is a sad thought, but I am sure I will treasure retracing old steps for years to come.

The innocuous-sounding "investor-state dispute settlement mechanism," critics on both the left and the populist right fear, would be like an independent, international court, with the power to force the U.S. government and American corporations to abide by its rulings.

And eventually Hillary Clinton, too.

Terry Pratchett: one of the greatest comic novelists of all time

PA Photos

來源:Cnn 更新時間:2016-03-12 10:40:30 分類:News

Clinton: 'Would've been better' to use official email

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    Clinton: 'Would've been better' to use official email

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"It's safe to say that the TPP won't be perfect. No deal negotiated among a dozen countries ever will be -- but its higher standards, if implemented and enforced, should benefit American businesses and workers," she wrote.

Warren sought to bring a quick start to the looming trade debate on Wednesday, saying it's time for U.S. trade negotiators -- if they're sure they've got a strong deal in the works -- to show their progress.


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