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iPhone 6s要從蘋果手表引入一個殺手級功能

iPhone 6s要從蘋果手表引入一個殺手級功能

比如,蘋果演示中提到的在網(wǎng)頁瀏覽中在某個名詞上執(zhí)行Force Click操作會顯示維基百科的對相應詞條解釋、在郵件中出現(xiàn)的地址上用力按壓會直接顯示該地點在地圖上的位置、點擊聊天中的日期時間上會彈出添加待辦事項的菜單,還可以對Finder中的文件進行預覽。而在使用Quicktime播放視頻時,按壓的力度則可以決定視頻快進的倍率。


"We are proud to have played a role in finding this key vessel in naval history and are honored to share it with the survivors, the families of those who perished and the world," Allen said in a statement.

It's a journey beneath the waves and back in time.

在我們看來,“Force Touch觸力感壓技術(shù)”的出現(xiàn)主要帶來了兩個好處。第一,這一技術(shù)可以在不影響設(shè)備纖薄特性的同時為用戶創(chuàng)造出一種近似于按壓的操作體驗。第二,該技術(shù)的出現(xiàn)可以讓應用開發(fā)者在開發(fā)應用時進一步發(fā)揮自己的想象力。

iPhone 6s要從蘋果手表引入一個殺手級功能

Launched in 1940, the Musashi was, at the time, the largest class of warship ever constructed, displacing more than 69,000 tons. It was one of two Yamato-class battleships constructed by the Imperial Japanese Navy.

如果將“Force Touch觸力感壓技術(shù)”應用到iPhone的話,該設(shè)備將得以擁有一個全新維度的功能體驗。比如,我們今后可以通過重按Home鍵的方式取代連續(xù)按下兩次Home來打開應用管理器,亦或者通過連續(xù)重按三次Home鍵的方式直接進入高對比度顯示模式。

The live stream from what is believed to be the wreck of the World War II battleship Musashi in the waters around the Philippines began at 9:03 a.m. local time (9:03 p.m. ET) Friday. An underwater camera showed various sections of the ship, which displaced 69,000 tons when it was built, putting it in the largest class of battleships at that time.

The live-stream is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. Friday, Philippines time (9 p.m. Thursday, ET). It's expected to show various parts of the warship, including the bow and stern sections and the conning tower.

[Previous story, posted at 7:47 p.m. ET]

在未來iPhone的iSight攝像頭中,我們或?qū)⒖梢越栌肍orce Touch技術(shù)通過按壓Home鍵力度的不同而快速調(diào)整焦距。


Robert Kraft, director of subsea operations for Allen's Vulcan company, who will provide commentary during the live-stream, spoke more about the process.

(CNN)[Breaking news update, posted 9:04 p.m. ET]

Last week, he tweeted images of the wreck, including one that he said showed the bow of the ship -- featuring a distinctive chrysanthemum, the emblem of Japan's royal family -- and a big anchor.

The ship sank on October 24, 1944, during the Battle of the Sibuyan Sea, part of the Battle of Leyte Gulf in the central Philippines. According to U.S. Navy documents, torpedo planes from U.S. aircraft carriers scored at least 10 hits on the battleship over the course of four hours. Navy dive bombers also hit the ship 16 times, but it was the torpedo hits that doomed the Musashi.

After the discovery last week, the team shared photos and video footage of parts of the vessel. Now, they're planning to take viewers on a real-time tour of the wreck with the unmanned submersible they used to find it at a depth of around 1 kilometer (3,280 feet).

在Touch ID指紋識別方面,啟用“Force Touch觸力感壓技術(shù)”將使得我們在注冊指紋的時候無需一次又一次抬起手指來進行注冊,因為你將完全可以通過進一步按壓手指,同時不斷移動的方式來完成指紋的注冊。

Another photo showed valves on which the Japanese characters for "main valve handle" and "open" are legible.

WW2 Battleship Musashi sank 1944 is FOUND > 1K M deep by MY Octopus Sibuyan sea, bow Chrysanthemum, huge anchor. pic.twitter.com/b9ZMA0icI8

來源:Cnn 更新時間:2016-03-13 12:40:21 分類:News

— Paul Allen (@PaulGAllen) March 2, 2016

在游戲方面,F(xiàn)orce Touch配套“觸覺引擎線性致動器”所提供的震動反饋則可以給游戲開發(fā)者一個全新的開發(fā)思路。比如,用戶可以在進行游戲的時候?qū)⑵渲幸粋手指始終擺放在Home鍵上,而這個“觸覺引擎線性致動器”就可以在用戶被敵人擊中或者前進遇到障礙時提供震動反饋。

Microsoft co-founder begins live-stream tour of sunken Japanese battleship - CNN.com

Microsoft co-founder begins live-stream tour of sunken Japanese battleship - CNN.com

More than 1,000 of the Musashi's crew were killed during the battle and sinking. Over 1,300 survivors were taken aboard by other Japanese warships, according to the U.S. Navy report.


RIP crew of Musashi, appx 1023 lost. The pic of the valve 1st confirmation of Japanese origin (clues 2 use apprec). pic.twitter.com/BcJgkhWskb

Todaka said, given the location and the depth at which the wreck was found, he was "90% sure" that the ship was the Musashi.

06 Musashi
05 Musashi
04 Musashi
03 Musashi
02 Musashi
01 Musashi

Story highlights

    iPhone 6s要從蘋果手表引入一個殺手級功能

    Allen, a philanthropist, said last week that he and his research team had discovered the wreck of the Musashi, which was once one of the two largest warships in the world. They had been searching for the ship for more than eight years.

    來源:騰訊網(wǎng) 更新時間:2016-03-12 11:52:00 分類:科技 關(guān)鍵詞:6s要從蘋果手表引入一個殺手級功能,iPhone;蘋果

    在內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)上,蘋果為了應用Force Touch技術(shù)而對觸控板進行了大幅改動,即在四角位置加入了四個力度傳感器來對用戶按壓的力度進行感知。同時,蘋果還在電容式玻璃面板下方加入了和蘋果手表相同的“觸覺引擎線性致動器”,該致動器的存在可讓用戶感知更加精細化的觸摸反饋。

    Todaka said Allen's team had been in contact with the museum about the expedition and the ship's potential location.

    在當?shù)貢r間周一的蘋果發(fā)布會后,我有幸在媒體體驗區(qū)親自上手試用了搭載了Force Touch觸力感壓技術(shù)的全新Macbook和蘋果手表以及蘋果在發(fā)布會上所提及的一種全新操作方式“Force Click”。


    Watch the underwater tour of the Musashi wreck now on CNN.com and CNN mobile

    "We used historical records from four countries, detailed undersea topographical data and advanced technology to identify the wreckage as the Musashi," he said. "That moment of discovery was exhilarating."

    Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen plans to live-stream an underwater tour of a wreck off the Philippine coast that's believed to be the remains of a long-lost World War II Japanese battleship.

    “Force Click”操作目前同樣出現(xiàn)在蘋果手表上,它是常用的“單擊”、“雙擊”、“慣性滾動”、“旋轉(zhuǎn)”等觸摸操作方式之外的另一種選擇,可以區(qū)分輕敲和重壓讓用戶通過不同的力度來觸發(fā)不同的功能控制設(shè)備。具體來說,“Force Click”能夠在不同的應用場景下給予不同的反饋。


    當然,考慮到Force Touch會提供震動反饋這一點特性,我們幾乎可以肯定該技術(shù)的啟用會以消耗一定的電池續(xù)航能力為代價。但從目前的情況來看,這一技術(shù)的加入不僅為我們提供了一種全新的操作體驗,同時還打開了未來應用開發(fā)的無限可能,因此電量上的些許損失似乎也是情理之中的事情。(湯姆)

    騰訊科技訊 據(jù)《華爾街日報》日前援引來自蘋果供應鏈人士的消息指出,蘋果正嘗試把首次在蘋果手表和全新Macbook中啟用的“Force Touch觸力感壓技術(shù)”引入到下一代iPhone上,從而使得用戶可以獲得一種全新維度的操作體驗,并按照他們的按壓習慣來控制設(shè)備作出不同的反饋。

    新款MacBook也采用了Force Touch技術(shù)

    Kazushige Todaka, the director of Japan's Kure Maritime Museum, said last week after viewing the information posted by Allen that it appeared that the vessel was the Musashi, although pictures of the entire body of the ship were needed to know for sure.


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